March 23, 2010

The iPhone now has everything, including a font


Many electronic devices and brands will develop a following and the iPhone is no exception.  It is known that brand image is vitally important to the success of any product and the iPhone has continued to show the importance of brand perception.

When you have a wildly successful product that sells millions, has a legion of diehard followers, and has the image as the ‘Jesus Phone’, what else could the phone need?  A font, an iPhone esc font has been missing, until now.

A clever person, who goes by the name Urikane, has created an iPhone font out of 540 apps.  The font is a creative way, although highly unusable, to display your love for the device.

For a reason yet to be known, the W is missing from the font and when we asked Steve Jobs about the matter, he said the W was “a bag of hurt” (joke).


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