December 15, 2009 Google Launches a URL Shortener, Too

It looks like today has quickly become URL shortener day. Just moments ago, we learned about, Facebook’s new URL shortener. It’s already in use for mobile and page link sharing and spreading quickly.

One of Facebook’s  mortal enemies couldn’t let the social network have all of the fun and attention, though. Google has just launched, the official Google  URL shortener of the world’s largest search engine.

In a short announcement, the tech giant revealed that the Google Toolbar and the FeedBurner syndication service now utilize for link sharing.

The company also made sure to preach the strengths of its URL shortener and why it should be chosen above others. Google’s three key talking points are stability, security, and speed. These are no surprise:


Facebook and Google are trusted brands with huge audiences and very good short URL domains. Today may just mark the beginning a new battle for the URL shortening market.

1 comment:

Rafał Fitt said...

Screenshots should saves to .PNG files, not .JPG! This version is blurry and cannot be read.